The Journal — self love RSS

Finding moments of balance and relaxation this summer

Its great to be back in the summer sunshine, and in the company of friends and family we might not have been able to see in the colder months. But with an endless agenda of family gatherings, summer camp meetings, social outings, time on the roads and travel, it's easy to become overwhelmed and lose sight of our own needs and self-care in the summertime. This is when finding balance becomes essential to maintain a sense of peace, relaxation and well-being. Taking the time to pause and reconnect with oneself is crucial. Whether it's through mindful practices like meditation, yoga, or simply unplugging from technology and immersing in nature, these moments of solitude can provide a much-needed respite. Prioritizing self-care...

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How to love yourself this Valentine's

Ah February, thanks to Valentines day it is our yearly celebration of love, and romance. But instead of indulging in chocolates and roses why not indulge in yourself. That’s right, use this month of love to dip the toe and practice a little self-love. Prioritising yourself and practicing self-love has gotten a bit of bad wrap over the years confusing self love with being selfish. However self love isn't selfish at all….its necessary. Why is it important to practice self love?   1. Self-love will shift your mindset from a place of criticism to appreciation and appraisal When a friend, loved one or child makes a mistake you wouldn't berate them for it, you would approach them with understanding and...

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